Harness the full potential of your ecosystem.

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Helpbuild helps you leverage your networks to boost what you are invested in.

Whatever the problem, community is the answer

~ Margaret Wheatley ~

How to use Helpbuild

Create a hub to help others succeed.

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Do you care about a space or problem enough to bring your skills, resources and network to help people working in it succeed?

Then you should create a hub.

Join a hub & create a project to get help from your network and beyond.

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Do you need help to build something you care about?

Then you should join one of the available hubs and add your project, invite your network and become ecosystem-powered!

I don’t have problems, I have friends.

~ Clarence Avant ~

Who are Helpbuild Hubs perfect for?

Venture Capital & Investors

Give more than money

Bring your skills, team, investors, industry networks to help portfolio companies succeed like never before.

Accelerators & Incubators

Network Power Your Cohorts

Use Helpbuild to effective discover what your cohorts need and leverage your networks and skills to met them.

Public Development Agencies

Build Effective Ecosystems

Helpbuild concentrates your public resources on supporting your entrepreneurial communities more effectively and efficiently.

Startup Industry Events

Less Talk, More Do

Make a tangible difference to startups who attend by turning each event into a longer running accelerator.

Corporate Innovation

Tap into Employee Passion

Your best people are not doing what they love. They are doing what you want. Helpbuild changes that.

Community Action

Make the Most of Help Offered

Bring the power of community and goodwill to all the actions people are taking to support each other.

Still Not Sure?
Schedule a free, no obligation call to see a demo and explore how Helpbuild can be a gamechanger for you.

Got Questions?

About Projects

How do I ask for help?

Asking for help on Helpbuild is super easy.

You just fill a form (basically like creating a support ticket – with far fewer fields!).

On the form, you:

  • pick a ‘need’ it relates to e.g. ‘Introductions and Growing Network’
  • describe what specifically you need help with e.g. ‘Introduction to logistics companies in London’
  • state what would count as the request being met (acceptance criteria) e.g. I consider this request met if you send me an email introducing me and the contact (who must be a C-level executive in a logistics company).
  • You add a number of gratitude tokens to the request
  • Pick how many helpers you want to independently work on this
  • Optionally, pick a date it needs to be done by.

And then submit. It goes automatically to the project helpers that have signed up to that need e.g. Introductions.

The platform handles everything else from there. No chasing up, no nagging, no ruined friendships.

Are tokens crypto?


Token are simply digitised gratitude.

If someone does something helpful for you, you say thank you (and you might say it deeply and many times if it was especially helpful). That is what we are trying to achieve with tokens.

They cannot be sold, traded, nor do they hold any value you can use to buy anything.

They are however very important in the system.

They are the means to 

  • recognise help you have received – and can never be taken away once earned.
  • remember help you got. The recipient might use the tokens they earned from you on something else,  but the record of them get earning it from you never changes.
  • reciprocate help you got. Sometimes we forget we are the product of many kindnesses, with Helpbuild, we want to help people be less forgetful. Tokens help with that. So when it comes to giving back and help in return, the tokens help you know who has demonstrated their own willingness to help you.
What happens if my network can't help me?


If you are in a managed hub – that is organised and has hub helpers primed to help, then the unmet request is automatically sent to any of the hub helpers who have signed up to help with the area that the request is about.

For example if a startup needs guidance exporting to Japan, they ask their network and no one responds (because they are too busy or just no one has the expertise), the platform would escalate it to a hub helper who has signed up to ‘Exporting rules’. Once they see the request, they can respond to it like any helper can.

If the hub is unmanaged, then the project cannot access any assistance on that request.

Are my network obliged to help me?


Your network is based on relationships.

The people in your network that come to your project on Helpbuild already care about you enough to show up.

When you ask them for something they have said they would consider helping with (because they have the skill, time, resources or connections), then they must also have the bandwidth when you ask them. Sometimes they are just too busy at the time.

Remember most of what you ask for help for, you would have to sort out yourself. So it is a bonus – not an obligation when your network steps up.

Can a project ask a hub directly for help?


Helpbuild is built on the idea that projects first try to get as much help as they can from their own networks.

Usually a project’s network is emotionally closer to the project or its founders than the hub.

The platform will automatically escalate any requests that have not been met by the project’s network.

Hub helpers can also explicitly join a project as a project helper and you may ask them directly to help.

Can I use tokens I earn from helping on another project on my own?

Yes – absolutely.

Tokens are the currency for help on Helpbuild.

They are not tradeable – you can only earn them.

Once you earn them, they are in your wallet. You can gift tokens from your wallet to your project and use them to reward other project helpers.

Can I make a request / ask without tokens?


Helpbuild requires that all requests are made with at least 1 gratitude token.

If you have no tokens in your wallet to make requests, you make still continue to use the platform to manage existing asks. You just won’t be able to create new asks.

About Hubs

How do I control who joins my hub?

Your hub has three mechanisms to prevent unqualified projects from joining:

  1. ‘Protected’ status – this sets the entire hub to protected – meaning only projects invited can join and only member projects can see other hub projects.
  2. Access Token – you set this when you create the hub and only share it with the projects you want to invite.
  3. Manual Approval – you have to approve all projects that apply to join your hub.
Does a hub mean more work for its organiser?


Hub setup is a 5-10 minute job.

Projects onboard themselves, hub helpers too – these take less than 5 minutes apiece!

Whenever a project needs help, the Helpbuild platform handles all the work of identifying and  notifying helpers and only hub helpers signed up for those specific help areas are notified.

Hubs are basically about reacting to emerging needs.

But when you want to do more, we offer data insights to show you which projects in your hub need intervention, what areas you (as the hub) probably need to build capacity up in.

Do we have to pay our hub helpers


Hub helpers who already work for you are already being paid by your organisation. Helpbuild gives them exceptionally impactful work to do – because it is what your hub projects are requesting.

Some of your hub helpers can charge for their help – this will be between them and the projects – but this is outside the platform.

Hub helpers – like all helpers – get rewarded in tokens for the help they give. Some of that is from your hub, but most is from the projects they will help on. You should regularly do nice things that recognise the help they give – especially if it’s unpaid.

How do we invite our network to help our projects

Super easy!

You create a share link and send it to the places where your potential helpers are.

It could be via email or posting into a Slack channel.

You can create multiple share links to create some segmentation, so you can tell where helpers are joining from.

Do we have to pay for the tokens that projects use?


You can provide some free tokens from your hub wallet to their project wallet to get started, but once those run out, it is up to them to keep it topped up.

Occasionally you will be able to ‘gift’ them tokens from hub wallet too.

About Helpers

Do we have to pay our hub helpers


Hub helpers who already work for you are already being paid by your organisation. Helpbuild gives them exceptionally impactful work to do – because it is what your hub projects are requesting.

Some of your hub helpers can charge for their help – this will be between them and the projects – but this is outside the platform.

Hub helpers – like all helpers – get rewarded in tokens for the help they give. Some of that is from your hub, but most is from the projects they will help on. You should regularly do nice things that recognise the help they give – especially if it’s unpaid.

Can helpers charge for help?


But not via the platform (we don’t support this yet).

This is better illustrated with an example.

Imagine a lawyer friend is helping a project and the founder of the project needs to understand whether 50 page legal contract they have been asked to sign is risky or unfair to them.

So the project asks the friend. The lawyer friend says I can spend 20 minutes scanning it for free and give you a very rough idea – but to do it properly and completely cover all the angles will take me 5 hours and I bill (with a discount) at £100 / hour.

This is entirely legitimate. But the agreement to engage the lawyer and the billing are not done on the platform.

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  • Includes 100 tokens a month
  • Unlimited Helpers
  • Free trial with 50 tokens


  • Includes 10 tokens a month
  • Unlimited Helpers
  • Free trial with 10 free tokens
  • Join multiple hubs


  • Includes free monthly tokens
  • Unlimited Helpers
  • To qualifying projects and hubs

Token Topup

  • Buy in bundles of 50
  • Tokens do not expire.

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